Parish Council

The Parish laity council is charged by the Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity (Apostolicam Actusitatem) with the goal of intensifying the apostolic activity of the laity by promoting and coordinating parish lay activities.

Aims and Objectives:

  1. To propagate and defend the Catholic faith.
  2. To serve as animators of lay Apostolate activities within the parish.
  3. To maintain peace and orderliness among different lay associations and parishioners.
  4. To assist the Parish Priest/Pastoral team with practical help, advice or suggestions.

The laity council is the coming together of the leaders of societies and organizations of the parish with the aim of moving the parish to an enviable position.


The membership of the Laity Council in the Parish comprises of representatives of the following societies/organizations: Catholic Women Organization (CWO), Catholic Men Organization (CMO), Catholic Youth Organization of Nigeria (CYON), The Parish Choir, Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Nigeria (CCRN), Catholic Biblical Instructors Union (CBIU), Catholic Biblical Movement of Nigeria (CBMN), Lay Readers Association, Church Wardens, Legion of Mary, and Altar Servers Association.

Contact Us

Address:  Christ the King Catholic Parish, Umuezigwe.

Phone: +234 (0) 808-107-3167