Catholic  Men Organisation

The Catholic Men Organisation (CMO) is an umbrella body of all Men in the Catholic Church. CMO was inaugurated officially in our Parish in the year 2016. However, its existence dates back to the year 2004, when it existed under the umbrella of the mother parish, St Mary’s Amuzi, with its first elected executives and Mr David Ihekeronye as the president from 2016 to 2018, then handed over  to an interim executive with Mr Columbanus Ibekwe as the president from 2018 to 2022. Furthermore, a new executive with Mr Declan Nwoduh as the current president exists.

The Body, which is a non-governmental Organization, is non-political and non-tribal. The organization's Motto is “Christ is our Leader..”


“To bring all Men to Christ, make them better Fathers and Builders of the Church and Society”.